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HarMoney Matters:

Practical Information to help bring harmony to your financial life

It's Medicare Advantage Plan Open Enrollment Period:  What You Need to Know Thumbnail

It's Medicare Advantage Plan Open Enrollment Period: What You Need to Know

Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment period runs from January 1st through March 31st and it allows people already enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan an opportunity to change to another Medicare Advantage Plan or return to Original Medicare. So, if you are thinking about switching plans, this post will help you think about the pros and cons of Medicare Advantage and whether or not you should make a change during this time period.

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Essential Tips for Winter Fire Safety Thumbnail

Essential Tips for Winter Fire Safety

Winter is known for its festive holidays, cozy sweaters, and warm drinks by the fire. However, as temperatures drop and we turn up the heat, the risk of home fires significantly increases. The National Fire Protection Agency says house fires occur more in winter than in other seasons.

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What Will Happen With The Economy in 2025? Thumbnail

What Will Happen With The Economy in 2025?

The results of the presidential election this month indicated that reducing inflation and improving the cost of living was the dominant factor that motivated the majority of voters to elect Donald Trump. The economic impact of the next president's policies is uncertain. We may be headed for a stronger stock market due to lower taxes and pro-business environment. It could also mean higher inflation and consumer prices. What could actually happen and how can we protect ourselves?

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