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Helping You Stay on the Right Financial Course

Attune Financial Planning is a Fee-Only wealth management firm.  We provide comprehensive financial planning, tax planning, and  investment portfolio management services for clients throughout Marin County, the greater Bay Area, and beyond. We are able to meet our clients in-person or virtually via Zoom depending on their needs and preference.  

Wealth Management Model

This is our core service offering and combines comprehensive financial planning and investment portfolio management. This service model is most appropriate for you if:  (1) You meet our Who We Serve client profile, (2) You have accumulated $750,000 or more in investable assets,  (3) You want on-going financial planning & investment  management support.  Most importantly, you are looking to partner with a trusted financial planner who will:

  • Help you create your Initial Financial Plan
  • Ensure that your financial plan is implemented
  • Make necessary adjustments to your Plan as your circumstances change
  • Provide expert tax planning  assistance
  • Design and manage your investment portfolio
  • Put your mind at ease knowing that you are on track to meet your important obligations and reach your financial goals.

The annual fee for Wealth Management services is based on the complexity of your particular situation.  Fees are paid via a fixed annual retainer, assets under management (AUM), or a combination of both.

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Initial Financial Plan Only Model

From time to time and at our discretion, we offer Initial Financial Plan only services.  This model is an ideal fit for you if:  (1) you do not yet meet our Who We Serve profile or (2) you are a younger professional who is building your career, family, and wealth.   The Wealth Management Model doesn't fit your needs at this time but you would like help in creating a financial plan that you can then implement on your own.

Depending on your situation, we will have 3 to 4 sessions where we will cover the important aspects of your financial life.  At the end of our last session you will be provided a detailed action plan for you to execute on your own.  If desired, follow up meetings and / or annual check-ups can be scheduled on an hourly basis.