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Helping You Stay on the Right Financial Course

Building Your Financial Plan

Our mission is to help you form a harmonious relationship between your goals and investments.  During the next 12 months or so we will work closely together to resolve your most pressing concerns and create your Financial Plan.   We will act as your guide, monitor your progress, and help you to maintain focus on your personal and financial goals.  We will meet  as often as necessary during your initial year to ensure your Financial Plan is implemented successfully and all relevant financial planning issues are addressed.

Our meetings will be held in person or virtually depending on your preference.  In addition, we are always available by email, phone, or text to answer any questions you might have.

First Year Schedule*

*Note that the exact planning issues addressed, timing, and attention paid to each planning area may vary depending on your unique situation. 

 Click the following to read more about our Planning Services.

On-Going Planning

After the initial year we will meet anywhere from 1 to 4 times per year to update your Financial Plan and to make any necessary adjustments as your circumstances change.   The actual number of times that we meet annually will vary from year to year based entirely on your specific needs.  Some years we may meet every month and other years we might just have one annual update meeting.